News, Silly
THE MAD APPRENTICE Cat Picture Giveaway!
If you know me at all, you probably know that I like cats. My cats, Sakaki and The Tomoes, were eager to help me advertise THE FORBIDDEN LIBRARY, as depicted below.
Now it’s your cats’ turn!
From now until the release of THE MAD APPRENTICE, on April 21st, everyone who emails an appropriate picture to will be entered in the giveaway! Winners will receive a hardcover copy of THE MAD APPRENTICE, signed by me and personalized as you like.
Pictures should contain, at minimum, the following:
-A copy of THE FORBIDDEN LIBRARY. (Kindle, audio, etc are fine!)
-A cat.
My UK publisher has agreed to ship copies to UK winners, so the contest is officially open to UK entrants! Winners in the UK will receive UK (paperback) editions, and I will try to send over a signed bookplate to put in them.
What if I don’t have a copy of THE FORBIDDEN LIBRARY?
They are available wherever books are sold, in paperback, e-book, or audiobook! THE MAD APPRENTICE is a sequel, so you’d want to read the first book first anyway.
What if I don’t have a cat?
That is a serious problem and you should remedy it immediately!
For those who are, for whatever sad reason, unable to get a cat, some creativity will be required. Here are some possible options:
- Borrow a friend’s cat.
- Borrow an enemy’s cat.
- Go to the zoo and borrow a lion. (Note: Do not actually do this.)
- Go to the library and pose with the stone lions. (Probably safer.)
- Transform your dog into a cat by the magic of costume!
- Transform your dog into a cat by the magic of photoshop!
- Transform your dog into a cat by the magic of actual magic! (Recommended!)
- Acquire a picture of a cat and use that. (There MAY be some pictures of cats on the internet, if you look hard.)
- Draw, sculpt, or otherwise create a cat ex nihilo.
- Use googly eyes and construction paper to make THE FORBIDDEN LIBRARY into a cat! (Note: Not responsible for damages to THE FORBIDDEN LIBRARY. You may want to buy an extra copy for this purpose.)
- Winners will be selected at random from among qualifying pictures. I will contact winners by email to get snail-mail addresses, desired inscriptions, etc. Particularly awesome pictures may receive a small additional prize at my discretion.
- Currently open to only the US and Canada — and now to the UK! See above. I’m really sorry, but shipping books elsewhere in the world just gets very expensive from here. (If you just want to send me cat pictures for fun, feel free!)
- Feel free to include yourself in your pictures. However, pictures will be posted on my website, Twitter, etc, so don’t include anything you wouldn’t want the whole internet to see! Any names and other information will of course be kept private and not used for any non-contest purposes.
- I am not responsible if you are clawed by a cat who refuses to hold still for a picture. Cat at your own risk.
Now go forth and photograph cats with books!