Latest Bracket (Big Image) (technical difficulties updating 12/30)
It’s Crossover Time!
Disney has a lot of characters under their mouse-shaped umbrella. Once they finish up Infinity Gauntlet, they’re naturally going to be looking to top it. How better to go about that then an even bigger crossover?! So I decided to help them out by figuring out which character will ultimately come out on top, with the help of my best friend The Internet.
How Does This Work?
In the spirit of Unbound Worlds Cage Match, I’ve created a giant bracket of Disney characters. They’re going to face off in a single elimination tournament until a single victor emerges!
Results will be determined by popular votes. I’ll put up a set of polls once a week to determine a set of matches, then update the bracket.
In the meantime, I invite you, the internet, to imagine how the match might go! The Cage Match recruits various authors to do their write-up (I had the great honor of doing one!) but this bracket is too big to plan that way. Instead, I encourage everyone to contribute. If a particular match-up fires your imagination, do some art or write up a short piece (probably less than 1,500 words) and send it to I’ll sort through them and post the results here! (Even if your version doesn’t match the “official” result.)
But How Are Chip & Dale Supposed To Fight Darth Vader?
Remember, this is (in a nebulous sense) a kind of simulation of a grand crossover movie. Matches don’t have to be gladiatorial combat to the death. They could be riddle games, drinking contests, spycraft competitions, drag races, or anything else a clever screenwriter could come up with to work a character into a movie! Feel free to imagine them in your fan work as you see fit.
Obviously not every character is included in the bracket. For my sanity, I restricted myself to mostly movie characters, and grabbed a few from each major work. If I left out your favorite, I apologize!
Bracket position, including byes, is determined randomly, with no seeding.
In case this doesn’t go without saying: all of these characters are the property of Disney or their copyright holders! Nothing here can or should be used commercially in any way.
Details on Fanart and Fiction Submission
Everything should go to, including any questions or comments.
Send your art as an appropriate image file, and your fiction as an MS Word document. Fiction can be be as short as you want, but shouldn’t be longer than about fifteen hundred words.
I may not post everything, depending on the volume I receive. I definitely reserve the right not to post anything inappropriate. (Remember, this is a Disney movie we’re simulating!)
Include your name and a URL (or Twitter handle, etc.) with your submission, and I’ll post them with the piece.
In addition to posting the pieces here, I may use them on social media to promote this project. I won’t use them for any other purposes. Please keep in mind that all of this is fan work, and should not be used commercially for any reason.