So You’ve Discovered A Secret Magical Society With Wizards And Monsters And Shit
So You’ve Discovered A Secret Magical Society With Wizards And Monsters And Shit
Some questions to ask a few people who seem trustworthy, with followups
- Do you people believe in a god or gods?
- Is this theological belief, where we must have faith, or are these provably real creatures who might smite me?
- If real:
- Please rate their approximate power on a scale of Small Gods to Paradise Lost
- How does one stay on their good side, assuming they have one?
- Are any of them pure evil?
- How sure are we about that?
- If real:
- Is this theological belief, where we must have faith, or are these provably real creatures who might smite me?
- So magic is real. Can I do magic?
- Is anything horrible going to happen to me if I do?
- Are the following subtypes of magic possible?
- Explosions
- Flying
- Telekinesis
- Telepathy
- Are there rules about telepathy?
- If not, why not?
- Are there rules about telepathy?
- Invisibility
- How do I keep invisible people out?
- Talking With Animals
- Ethical implications of talking animals?
- Teleportation
- Please describe possible disasters
- Time Travel
- Please describe the rules, with diagrams
- Shapechanging
- How do I know you’re not the Dark Lord?
- Mind Control
- How do I know you’re not under the control of the Dark Lord?
- Love spells/potions
- Are those legal in this jurisdiction?
- Are there less creepy jurisdictions?
- Are those legal in this jurisdiction?
- Is magical power hereditary?
- Doesn’t that have disturbing implications for society?
- Are prophecies for real?
- Please provide detailed examples of prophecies that turned out to be true.
- Who makes these prophecies?
- Can we use them to play the stock market or bet on sporting events?
- Are prophets required to be super-cryptic?
- Can we crowd-source prophetic interpretation to Reddit?
- Are the following mythological entities or creatures real?
- Santa Claus
- Tooth Fairy
- What does she do with the teeth?
- Dragons
- Can I ride one?
- Centaurs
- Ditto
- Not in a sexy way?
- Maybe in a sexy way.
- Clarification on human/monster sex in general.
- Maybe in a sexy way.
- Not in a sexy way?
- Ditto
- Elves
- Multiple kinds?
- How do I tell them apart?
- Special rules they must obey?
- Subtypes:
- Giggling, whimsical faires
- Stern, wise wood-guardians
- Immortal, amoral schemers
- Multiple kinds?
- Dwarves
- Subtypes:
- Drunken, Scottish hooligans
- Wise makers of powerful objects
- Take commissions?
- Subtypes:
- Hobbits/Gnomes/Halflings/Kender
- Safely ignored or dangerous menace?
- Talking Animals
- All animals or just special ones?
- Popularity of vegan diets?
- All animals or just special ones?
- Vampires
- Subtypes:
- Bestial and evil
- Urbane but still evil
- Sexy
- Not evil?
- Are we sure?
- Popular dating services.
- Should I just become one? It sounds awesome.
- Are we sure?
- Not evil?
- Weaknesses:
- Garlic?
- Holy Water/Symbols?
- Which religion?
- Troubling implications. (See gods.)
- Which religion?
- Stakes through the heart?
- Works on everyone though
- Sunlight?
- Subtypes:
- Werewolves
- Subtypes:
- Murderous beasts
- Noble and loyal
- Spread by biting or only hereditary?
- Just bite me already.
- Full moon — important or bullshit?
- Spread by biting or only hereditary?
- Subtypes:
- Zombies
- Minor nuisance or apocalyptic threat?
- Ghosts
- Actually the spirits of dead people?
- Does this provably imply there’s an afterlife? (See gods, above.)
- Actually the spirits of dead people?
- Muggles
- Do we call them that?
- How many people know about magic?
- How do we keep people from knowing about magic?
- Why do we keep people from knowing about magic?
- If magic could cure cancer, etc, aren’t we history’s greatest monsters for hogging it?
- Why do we keep people from knowing about magic?
- How do we keep people from knowing about magic?
- How effective is magic compared to guns and so forth?
- Are we:
- Afraid of them?
- Vaguely paternalistic toward them?
- Allowed to have sex with them?
- Magic Rings (or other magic objects)
- Possible powers?
- Important caveats?
- Possible powers?